Saturday, June 09, 2007

Tuesday 6/5/07 - Speed day for squat and deads

Squat - warm up with the bar for a few sets, 135x8, 135x5, 135x3, 225x5, 315x3 Went back down to 225 for box squats. 225x2x8 sets, rotating with training partner, so rest between sets was @30seconds.

Deads Conventional - 225x1x5sets, 315x1x5sets - again rotating with training partners

Kettlebell 2 handed swings - 55lbx10x5 sets

Lat pulldowns - 150x8, 160x8, 170x8

Low Row - 150x8, 160x8, 170x8, 180x8

Seated Calves - 100lbsx15-20 x10 sets with a 20 sec rest. Calves are burning and on fire from set #3 on!

Biceps - don't do too much for them, just did some 40lb Dumbell concetration curls


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