Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Monday 6/11/07 - Speed bench today, and i was very cautious because of my left shoulder...

Bench - warm up bar, 95x10, 135x10, 135x5. at this point since i was doing rep controlled and in strict form, my shoulder felt better, so i continued on. 185x10, 225x7, 265x5... stripped the weight back down to 135 and added the blue bands for 8sets x3reps, with a 20 count between sets.

Dumbell Incline on bench setting #1 - 65x6, 70x6, 75x6. i did these with my palms facing each other since it took some of the strain off of my shoulder

Kettlebell cleans - 5 setsx 5reps with 55lb KB each arm

Wide round bar tricep pushdowns - 70x10x2 sets, 80x10x3

One arm overhead side bends with 30lb dumbell - 3sets 5reps each side

Pass thrus with the 55lb kettlebell between the legs, 3 sets 10 reps

The shoulder felt good while in strict form with good control. i will continue icing to keep the inflammation down.


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