Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Tuesday - 6/12/07

Squat - warm up with the bar for a few sets, also did a couple of sets of bottoms up kettlebell front squats. 135x10, 135x6, 225x6, 315x2, back down to 225 with green bands for 2 reps, 8 sets, switching off with my training partner after each set. so maybe 30sec rest in between sets.

Deadlift sumo - 135x2x5 sets, 225x2x5 sets, 315x2x2 sets

Kettlebell swings - 55lbx10x4sets

Lat pulldown - 160x8, 170x8, 180x8

Tbar Row - 90x6, 115x6x3 sets

Seated calf raise - 60x15x10 sets with only a 15 count between sets! this is killer and burns.

hammer curls - 25x15, 30x15x3sets (most biceps i've done in quite some time!) shoulder really wasn't an issue today. i only felt a stretch when holding the bar for squat. the swings didn't bother it at all, which i was thinking that it may.


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