Saturday, October 27, 2007

Friday, October 26, 2007

i was more rested this week and ready to squat, however, i have a slight strained groin, so i broke the weight back down on the squat and did a 3x3 workout. i also narrowed my stance some and made my feet more straight forward to take out some of the pain in the groin muscle.

Squat - bar, 135x8, 135x6, 225x5, 315x2, 355x3x3

Conventional Deadlift - 225x3, 275x1, 335x1, and now the work sets.. there were 4 of us and we had 3 bars set up since we all have different strength levels. we went in turn deadlifting, so our rest was limited to 60-90 seconds between sets. this is a brutal deadlift routine, but we love it. i think it's a huge factor to my slight weight increase the past few weeks, since i have done nothing special to my diet.

Here are the work sets... 350x5, 315x5, 280x5 for 9 sets! (10% [35lbs] drop for the first 3 sets) again very little rest here. heart racing, dripping with sweat, feeling like puking, light headed and seeing stars. i was fried after 9. thomas did 10 and rob, the freak that he is banged out 15 sets of 5 with 335. his drops were 50lb drops, so he started at 435, 385, 335... i wonder how he feels today... haha! i actually don't feel too bad.. a little tight, but i've been doing this for a few weeks now, so i'm getting used to workload involved. the premise of this routine is that it is supposed to help your body release it's natural growth hormone. i'm believing it.

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