Saturday, October 27, 2007

Friday, October 26, 2007

i was more rested this week and ready to squat, however, i have a slight strained groin, so i broke the weight back down on the squat and did a 3x3 workout. i also narrowed my stance some and made my feet more straight forward to take out some of the pain in the groin muscle.

Squat - bar, 135x8, 135x6, 225x5, 315x2, 355x3x3

Conventional Deadlift - 225x3, 275x1, 335x1, and now the work sets.. there were 4 of us and we had 3 bars set up since we all have different strength levels. we went in turn deadlifting, so our rest was limited to 60-90 seconds between sets. this is a brutal deadlift routine, but we love it. i think it's a huge factor to my slight weight increase the past few weeks, since i have done nothing special to my diet.

Here are the work sets... 350x5, 315x5, 280x5 for 9 sets! (10% [35lbs] drop for the first 3 sets) again very little rest here. heart racing, dripping with sweat, feeling like puking, light headed and seeing stars. i was fried after 9. thomas did 10 and rob, the freak that he is banged out 15 sets of 5 with 335. his drops were 50lb drops, so he started at 435, 385, 335... i wonder how he feels today... haha! i actually don't feel too bad.. a little tight, but i've been doing this for a few weeks now, so i'm getting used to workload involved. the premise of this routine is that it is supposed to help your body release it's natural growth hormone. i'm believing it.

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Thursday, October 25, 2007

October 25, 2007 - Thursday Heavy Bench

It's been a while since my last blog posting... oops! from where i left off with my bench on september 27, i've been increasing the weight 10lbs every week. so this is what has culminated up to now... this was today's workout

Bench - warm up bar, 95x10, 135x8, x6, 225x5, 255x2, 285x3, 295x2, 305x1

Board press - 305x3 (3 boards), 325x2 (2 boards), 345x1
I decided to lower down to 2 boards... i had a lot of explosive drive off of the 3 board and that part of my bench was not the weak area, so i dropped to a 2 board. what a difference! that extra distance of just under 2 inches feels like a full range rep!

Incline press - 195x3, 205x2, 215x1

Rear delts on one half of cable cross - 160x10, 180x10, 200x10, 220x10

preacher curls Nautilus nitro plus - 110x10x4

Triceps pushdown v-bar - 90x10, 100x10, 110x10x2 sets

Dragon flags - 1 sets 5 reps

My squatting last week ended up with 385x3, 405x2, and 425 for an attempted 1. i say attempted because i picked it up strong, controlled it down strong, but couldn't get back up! i had a rough week of late nights and some partying which definitely was the main reason for my failed rep. i was exhausted. it showed in my deadlifting too. 2 fridays ago i deadlifted 340x5, 305x5, 280x5x10 sets. last friday i did 345x5, 285x5, and was fried by my fifth set of 285x5. sheer exhaustion. i took off going out friday night, and since sunday haven't gone out at all and i'm feeling more rested. i'm hoping tomorrow is a better training session than last week...

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Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Monday October 1, 2007

Bench - warm up bar, 95x12, 135x8, 135x5, 165x3x7sets 20 count between sets

Close grip bench - 165x10x4 sets

Kettlebell snatches - 55x5x5 each arm

Preacher curls - 125x8x2, 125x6x2

Tri Push downs w/wide grip round bar- 80x10x2, 90x10, 100x10

Dragon flags - 4 sets of 5

KB windmills - 2 sets of 5

Monday, October 01, 2007

September 25, 2007 - Tuesday

Squat - warmed up with bar, 135x8, 135x5, 225x5, 315x2... did box squats with 275x3x5 sets

no deadlifts today.

Alternating hand Kettlebell swings - 55lbs x 5 reps each arm for 5 sets

Lat pulldowns w the v-handle - 170x6, 180x6, 190x6, 200x6

Low rows - 160x6, 170x6, 180x6

September 27, 2007 - Thursday

Bench - warm up bar, 95x10, 135x8, x4, 225x5, 245x3, 255x2, 265x1

Board press - 265x3, 285x2, 305x1

Incline press - 145x3, 155x2, 165x1

Kettlebell Cleans - 55x5x5 sets

preacher curls Nautilus nitro plus - 125x8x4

Triceps pushdown v-bar - 80x8x3, 90x8x1

Dragon flags - 3 sets 5 reps

Windmills with kettlebell - 55x5x2 sets

September 28, 2007 - Friday

Squat - warm up 135x8, x6, x5, 225x5, 315x2, 365x3, 385x2, 405x1

Deadlift conventional - 135x5, 225x3, 315x1, 365x1, 405x1.. i tried 455, but it was a no go. i'm still working my conventional deadlift. it's horrible... not in the way of form, but in the way of how much i can pick up! Sumo in my last meet, i almost locked out 573. I have a mental block conventional deadlifting. i'm going to continue working conventional.