Friday, December 30, 2005

12/29/05 - Thursday

Bench - barx10x1, 95x10x1, 135x8x1, 135x4x1, 225x5x1, 255x1, 285x1, 225x10 failed on rep 11
most 225's i've done prior i believe was 7

DB Incline - 70x4x1, 75x4x1, 75x4x1

Close Grip Bench - 225x3x1, 245x3x1, 255x1

Plate Raises - 35lb platex10x5

v-bar tri pushdown - 60x10x5

rope pushdown - 30x15x3

all of us were a little exhausted today between work and last night

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

12/26/05 - Monday

Bench - barx10x1, 95x10x1, 135x8x1, 135x4x1, 225x4x1, 135x3x8 with blue bands

DB Flat - 65x6, 70x6, 75x6

Shoulder press - 145x6x3

DB side lat raises - 15x50x1

Rear Delt - 110x10x1, 130x10x4

Wide Pushdowns, round bar - 70x10x5

Thursday, December 15, 2005

12/16/05 - Thursday

Bench - barx10x1, 95x10x1, 135x8x1, 135x4x1, 225x5x1, 275x2x2, 295x Failed

DB Incline - 65x4x1, 70x4x1, 75x4x1

Close Grip Bench - 205x3x1, 225x3x1, 245x3x1

all of us were a little exhausted today between work and last night

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

12/12/05 - Monday

Bench - barx10x1, 95x10x1, 135x8x1, 135x4x1, 225x5x1, 135x3x8 with blue bands

DB Flat - 65x6x1, 70x6x2

Hammer shoulder press - (weight per side) 45x6x1, 70x6x1, 95x6x2

DB side lat raises - 15x50x1

Rear Delt - 110x10x1, 130x10x4

Wide Pushdowns, round bar - 70x10x1, 80x8x1, 90x5x1, 80x10x1

Abs - crunches with 45lb plate behind head x 20 x 3 sets

Saturday, December 10, 2005

12/8/05 - Thursday

Bench - barx10x1, 95x10x1, 135x8x1, 135x4x1, 225x1x1, 265x3x2, 285x1x1

DB Incline - 65x4x1, 70x4x1, 70x4x1

Close Grip Bench - 225x3x3

Plate Raises - 35x10x5

Rear Delt - 110x10x5

Tri Pushdowns v-bar - 60x10x2, 70x10x3


Thursday, December 08, 2005

12/5/05 - Monday

Bench - barx10x1, 95x10x1, 135x8x1, 135x4x1, 225x4x1, 135x3x8 with green bands

DB Flat - 60x6x1, 65x6x1, 70x6x1

DB side lat raises - 20x50x1

Rear Delt - 120x10x5

DB Overhead tri - 75x8x4

12/1/05 - Thursday

Bench - barx10x1, 95x10x1, 135x8x1, 135x4x1, 195x4x1, 245x3x2, 275x1x1

DB Incline - 60x4x1, 65x4x1, 70x4x1

Close Grip Bench - 210x3x3

Plate Raises - 35x10x5

Rear Delt - 110x10x5

Tri Pushdowns v-bar - 60x10x3, 70x10x2


11/25/05 - Thursday
*note - weight x #reps x #sets

Bench - bar x10x1, 95x10x1, 135x8x1, 135x4x1, 225x3x2, 255x1x1

DB Incline - 60x4x2, 65x4x1

Close Grip Bench - 200x3x3

Rear Delt - 100x10x5
(rope on a cable cross, stand a few feet away, lean back slightly and pull the rope toward your forehead with you hands ending up in front of your ears)

Plate Raises (front delt) - 25x10x5

Tri Pushdowns V-bar - 60x10x4, 70x10x1