Friday, December 21, 2007

12/20/07 - Thursday

Bench - warm up bar, 95x10, 135x10, 135x6, 225x4, 255x1, 285x1. Threw on my shirt 385x2, 410x1

Close Grip - 235x3, 245x3x2sets

Incline #2 - 75x4x3sets

kettlebell snatches (55lb) 5x4 sets, each arm

preacher curl on nautilus nitro plus - 110x8, 125x6x2 sets

v-bar tri pushdowns - 90x10, 100x10x3 sets

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

12/18/07 - Tuesday

Squat - warm up, then went to box squats with 225x2x8 sets, about 30-45 sec rest between sets

Deadlift Conv - 225x1x10 sets

Pull-ups - i love doing pull ups now, legs straight, no swinging! bodyweightx8, put on the dip/chin belt and added my 45lb kettlebell to it. 2 sets x5

Bent over barbell rows - 135x8x3 sets

seated calves - 50x20, 20x40, 20x40

NitroPlus Calf machine (straight leg) - 65x30x3 sets... i'm definately going to be feeling this tomorrow. everytime i blast my calves i have problems walking 2 days later.

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12/17/07 - Monday

Bench - warm up, 185x10, 195x10, 205x10

Dumbbell Incline #1 - 70x6x3 sets

Barbell Military Press - 135x6, 145x6, 155x6

I only did a set or 2 of Kettlebell cleans, i was showing my training partner the proper clean technique. we used the 55lb and 70lb bells

Preacher Curls on Nautilus Nitro Plus - 110x8x4 sets

Tri Pushdowns wide flat bar - 90x10x3, 100x10x4

Monday, December 17, 2007

12/13/07 - Thursday

I haven't used any gear since the AWPC World's on August 4th. We decided to break it out to see where we were. my first bench with the shirt was 385, and my second was 405. i decided to leave it at that. considering this time last year i went into a meet and only did 385. this entire year i've used that as my opener (4 meets 12/2/06 - 8/4/07) i may start opening up around 395-400.

12/15/07 - Saturday

Again, no gear from 8/4/07 thru now. No belt, no hips. the only thing we used as "gear" were wrist wraps. i've had a slight strained groin for the past few weeks. wasn't sure as to how heavy i was going to go. hips and belt from 415 up. 415 felt nice. 465 felt good. i went to 505 with the hips, belt and a light... light knee wrap. i haven't done 505 without at least having the lower half of my suit on. 505 felt like nothing and i squatted it smooth and with a good turn-around on the bottom. i want to see how i do with the suit now. we just got a frantz deadlift bar, so we decided to check that out today as well. hips and belt. i haven't sumo deadlifted much at all since august... mainly i've only done grueling sets of 5 conventional. i pulled 405 easy. did 455 easy, but kept it there. because of my groin there was more stress on it picking up the dead weight than there was squatting. too much of a twinge for me to want to go higher. we'll see how it goes from here.. i don't know how much gear we will be using or how often. hasn't been determined yet.
