Friday, January 20, 2006

1/19/06 - Thursday - Heavy Bench

Bench - barx10, 95x10, 135x8, 135x4, 225x5, 275x2.... put on shirt 325x2 attempted third but lost air and tightness. 325x1 attempted 2nd rep, but same results as previous set... lost air and tightness. hard to do multiple controlled reps in the shirt.

DB Incline - bench set at #2... 70x4x3

Close Grip Bench - 205x3, 225x3, 245x3

Shrug - 135x10, 225x10, 245x10x2

Rear Delt - 130x10, 150x10x4 (different cable cross than usual since it was being used, and the pulleys make the weight feel lighter on this one)

v-bar pushdowns - 50x10x4, 60x10

crunches (done as a superset with the vbar pd's) - 35lb plate x 20x4
scissor leg raises 20

light leg ext - 40x20 each leg seperate and then together x2
superset with light lat pulldown, 110x10x2

that was it... about 30min longer than usual... once gear gets added it takes more time.. workout felt good overall.. heavy squat/dead day tomorrow and i may be going very early in the morning, so no crazy night for me like last week. i've learned from that mistake.


At 1/21/2006 6:27 PM, Blogger Read This said...

What feds do you compete in? Just stumbled upon your blog, always looking for more information...good stuff..thanks...


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