Monday, January 30, 2006

1/28/06 - Saturday

Squat - warm up, barx10, barx8 barx5, 145x8, 145x5, put on my briefs.. 235x5, 235x3, 325x1, 425x5... this was with a light knee wrap.. i rushed them all for some reason, felt the bar move after the second rep, and that did not feel good at all. since i rushed them, i was made to do another set of 5... after this, which was more controlled and felt better, i had to sit for a while.. i even had to lay down. after giving phil a spot (there were 5 of us spotting) on his 785x2, yes that is not a typo 785x2, i started seeing stars and shit and had to sit.. felt a little sick to the stomach, layed down for a good 5-10 min.. after feeling better i got up and we moved on to rack pulls below the knee

Rack pulls below the knee - 245x3, 335x3, 425x3, 515 i couldn't fuckin move! this is the weak spot in my dead... it has to be... above the knee last week i pulled 635.. dropped 4 inches i couldn't move 515! i should be able to do that. i think i was overly taxed from the squatting and the seeing stars shit didn't help either. i started rounding my back in the rack, which is not good and a sign of fatigue. i'm usually pretty damn strict with my form, but couldn't keep it. well, looks like a weak spot i have to work on there.

Glute ham raises - bodyx8x3 and i was done for the day... went home had a bite, went to jersey had a real italian food the rest of the weekend.


At 1/30/2006 1:24 PM, Blogger John said...

Nice squatting and rack pulls... I think everyone has a weak spot in their deadlift, looks like you found yours.
On a side note, I never do rack pulls anymore. I figure if I can get up enough speed, I won't have to worry about lockout or a sticking point.
For this reason, I am doing power cleans and deadlifts off a 4" block.


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