Powerlifting - Heavy Bench
Thursday 6/28/07
I've been wondering how my shoulder was going to hold out with a heavy day of benching... turned out to be just fine.
Bench - warm up barx15, 95x12, 135x10, 135x6, 185x8, 235x4, 275x2... Put on my bench shirt, 385x2, 415x1. no pain and it felt great, very tight, very controlled movement and pretty smooth on the way up.
3 Board press with the shirt - 385x3, 415x2... my third rep with 415 was scary since i lost it.. good thing i have great spotters. i came out of my groove and back toward my head.. don't know really...
Flat DB press - 80x4x2sets, 85x4
Close Grip bench - 205x3, 225x3, 245x3 i was afraid of trying too much weight too soon with the shoulder, but it didn't hurt, and it felt great.
Kettlebell Clean and Press - 55lb bell x5 each arm for 2 sets. then i dropped the sets to 3 reps as i was feeling a little burnt
Tricep pressdown with V-bar - 80x10x3, 90x10x2
Pretty much done here... added a little abs in there, had my shake and went home. I'm ordering some of the Supercissus Rx for one of the guys that trains with us that has been having some trouble with his shoulder. I would like to see how he responds to it. Heavy Squat tonight in about 25 minutes, so I'll have that workout posted later on this evening... Have a great weekend!
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