Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Powerlifting - Speed Squat/Dead
Tuesday 6/26/07

It was hot as hell in the gym today. Either it was never put on in the morning or the girls thought it was on. When we checked the thermostat it read 87 degrees!! Not good seeing it was 92 with high humidity today. Sweating like crazy the first part of the workout.

Squat - warm up for a couple of sets with the bar, 135x10, 135x6, 225x5, 225x3, 315x4

Box Squats - 225x2x 8 sets @30sec rest between sets... focusing on releasing the hips on the box and driving back up off of it.

Deadlift Conventional - 135x3x5 sets, 225x3x5, 315x3

Hyperextensions - 3 sets 10 reps of bodyweight.

Pulldowns with the close handles (D Handle) - 160x8, 170x8, 180x8

Chest supported row - 70x6, 80x6, 90x6, 100x6

Seated Calf Raise - 60x15x9 sets 60x20 @30sec rest between. This still kills my calves, but I'm actually seeing some results from doing it.

Bicep curls on the Nautilus NitroPlus Preacher - 95x6, 115x6, 125x6

Workout didn't feel too bad except for the heat. I'm just really concerned with the box squats this workout. I think I should start working the back just a bit more though to carry over into the bench.

One of the college kids that goes to my gym chats with me once in a while. Today he asked what weight I compete. I just find it funny because he says "you weigh what, 180?" Weighed 163 this morning. Guess I worked off some of that bloat from this past weekend I mentioned earlier. Time to rest up...


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