Powerlifting - Heavy Squat
Friday 6/29/07
Squat - warm up with bar, did a set of bottoms up kettlebell squats to loosen up the hips a little, 145x10, 145x8, 235x5, 235x3... put on my briefs... now today it was a bitch putting them on.. it was a combination of the heat, and the amount of sodium water i took in from this morning and at lunch with water throughout the day. 315x5, 405x2, put on my suit, didn't crank the straps, light knee wrap and 535x2
Squat with Chains (each set of chains @33lbs [SC]) - 345+1 SCx2, +2 SCx2, +3 SCx2, +4 SCx2, +5 SCx2... i had on my hips and just the bottom of my squat suit... didn't put the straps up... normally i would take the suit of and just be in my briefs, but with the heat, and the fact that the suit was tight as hell, i was not about to try taking it off right then, so i kept it on.
Rack pulls below the knee - conventional rack pulls - 225x3, 315x3, 405x3, 495 failed... my conventional dead sucks... i need to work on it more when done training for this meet. i can definately hold the weight in my hands, but i get stuck at the knees conventionally. definate work to be done here. i'm a sumo deadlifter
Seated Calf Raise - 90x10x10... couldn't handle 15 reps here rapid firing the sets... so i cut the reps... some sets i was able to get 11-13 reps, but only for a few.
That was it, I felt very productive with my squat today, not so much with the rack pulls. next friday i may do a double with 555. rack pulls will be above the knee and we'll take it from there...
Labels: calf raise, deadlift, powerlifing, rack pulls, squat, squating
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