Monday, July 02, 2007

Powerlifting - Speed Bench
Monday - 7/2/07

Bench - warmed up with bar, 95x10, 135x12, 135x6, 185x8, 235x6, broke it back down to 135 and added green bands. 135 w/bandsx3x8 sets. 20sec count between sets

Dumbell Incline #1 - 80x6, 85x6x2

Kettlebell Clean and presses - 55lbx5x5

Dumbell shugs - 90x10, 100x10, 110x8

Rear Delt - 160x10, 180x10, 200x10, 220x10

Tricep Pressdown w/Flat wide bar - 80x10x3, 90x10x2

Dragon Flags - 3 sets of 5 reps... I need to add some different ab exercises.. cycle them in a little better, or hit them more often.... you need your core strength in powerlifinting. power moves with the abs are the way to go. forget the high reps with abs. spend the $10 for an ab wheel, and learn how to do them right. learn how to do the dragon flag. those 5 reps will tear you apart, but your core strength will skyrocket. i love doing them.

The shoulder felt awesome today.. I'm not really too worried about working with it right now. felt good on the bench and it felt good with the dumbells and kettlebell as well. i have more super cissus rx on the way. i really think this stuff works! tomorrow, speed squat/dead


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