Monday, February 06, 2006

2/4/06 - Saturday

Squat - Warm up barx10, barx6, 145x8, 145x4, put on my briefs, 235x4, 235x2, 325x2, 415x1, 525x2 (done wearing full gear)...

up to this point i felt great... much better than i have than any other time during the past 5-6 weeks. the weight felt heavy, but it was good. seeing that i did 525 for 2 reps and best is only 31lbs heavier, it was a great feeling. then i went on to deadlift

Deadlift - i didn't take off my gear, but until i did my last set, i had my suit shoulder straps down the whole time.. 225x3, 315x1, 405x1, 500x1.5... yeah i put a half rep in there... i did the first rep pretty much with no problem, and as i was putting the weight down, i was told to do another... went to pull the second, got just above the knee and i lost my grip with the right hand. again i see this as an improvement... my comp/pb is 501, and i almost pulled 500 for 2.

that was my training for the day... went home, ate, rested up. the only supplement i had taken before training today was the Bodyquick. i forgot my creatine which i usually take one hour prior to training, but none the less, i still had a good day in the gym.


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