Thursday, February 09, 2006

2/7/06 - Tuesday

Squat - warm up - barx8x2, 135x8, 135x5, put on briefs 225x5, 225x3, 315x2, 365x5, green bands - 225x2x8, 16-20 sec count between sets and rested after 4 sets so the other 2 guys could do their 4 sets

Dead - 225x1x5, 315x1x5, 405x1... today's deads felt extremely good... and the 405 felt easy.

Lat pulldown - 150x6x3

T-bar row on 45 degree... 2platesx6, 3platesx6x2

short workout, but it felt good.. after the last set of squats i def needed to sit as the stars started to pop up.. after a few minutes though i was good and as previously mentioned the dead flew up easily. because the training up to this week has felt blah, and mediocre, we may skip the competition at the end of march and go into one in april or may... again in maine. this is to be decided and i'll comment on this later when i know what we're doing.


At 2/13/2006 8:37 PM, Blogger Michael said...

I like the way you set up your training and your workouts. Solid training all together. What's your bwt?


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