Friday, July 06, 2007

Powerlifting - Heavy Squat
Friday 7/6/07

I'm coming off a pretty successful day in the gym yesterday... matching a PR on my bench in preparation for the AWPC World's. Today was just as good.

Squat - warmed up with the bar, did 2 sets of bottom's up KB squats (55lb). I highly recommend using that exercise to help loosen up your hips. it's amazing. 145x8, 145x5, 235x5, 235x3, put on my briefs, 325x3, 415x2, put on my suit and a light knee wrap 505x1, fully geared 555x2. then did a stand up with 625. felt good.

Chain Squats - just kept the suit on, but left the straps down. it's been humid, i've consumed a lot of salt and water, and my suit was tight, so i just left it on like last friday. base weight on the bar was 365 w/1 set of chains x2, 365+2sets x2, 365+3sets x2, 365+4setsx2, 365+5setsx2. last set was tough down, but i'm coming up nicely. again each set of chains is about 33lbs, so at the top of squat, there's roughly an extra 30lbs from each set, so with all 5 sets thats 150lbs. (i think when i was fully standing, there were maybe 3 links on the floor) 365+150 at the top =515 lbs.

Rack pulls from above the knee (took of the suit, just wearing my briefs now) - 225x3, 405x3, 495x3, and 585x1. we've been training this younger kid too.. he's 16, 220+, and 6'2" tall... he's pretty damn strong, and i did not want to let him beat me on the rack pulls. i'm 163ish, 5'5" tall. i've got a few more years under my belt powerlifting, but my racks have sucked lately. so i saw him fail 585 twice.. i had to get at least one, and i've never picked up that much weight and held it freely in my hands, which becomes an issue when deadlifting heavy. i got it and held it... it was slow, i had every muscle and vein popping, but i picked up that 585 from the knee. felt great and i called it a day. i'm zapped, need some rest. only 3 more weeks of training until we take off for the the AWPC Worlds. Have a great weekend, rest up, see you monday!

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