2/18/06 - Saturday
Squat - warm up - bar for a couple sets, 145x8, 145x6, put on my hips, 235x4, 325x1, 355x5
Dead - we did these on the platform so the bar was a few inches lower than normal. with the bar being lower and wearing the hips, it made it more difficult to get down. 245x3, then 2 of the kids that i train with on saturday went... their still working on their form, so they were going until they couldn't anymore to work their form. i saw this and i was only going to do 3 reps for my next set at 335... i said fuck it and ripped nine, and had no more grip for another rep... the one thing that really sucked today is that none of us had any chalk.. we were using chalk dust and that went quick. anyway, i went to pull 425 from the platform again, but i just did not have any grip. i don't have a problem picking up 425, but those extra inches lower and no chalk make a huge difference.
anyway this pic is 2 days after the fact, but this is what your shins should look like after deadlifting. it was nice and raw on saturday, and the soap later in the shower felt nice on it... not! that's the price you pay for deadlifting.

Squat stance good mornings - 235x3, 325x3, 365x3, 440x3... yeah, phil said "fuck it you're doing 440" all right then... i know they weren't as deep as the previous sets, but still. i'm still feeling that workout today. that was it for the day.
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