Tuesday, February 21, 2006

2/22/06 - Tuesday

today was okay.. one thing that we did not have was chalk. we were completely out. sucks. we sell it in our stores, but we're out of stock. great. the bar was slipping on my back, so that was not comfortable, and we usually don't go too heavy on deads today, but you can definately tell the difference

Squat - 135x8, 135x5, 135x4, 225x10, 225x10, 315x1

Dead - i reversed my hand grip for the first set.. usually my left hand is supinated and my right is pronated... after that i went back to normal.. 225x2, 225x3, 225x5

Pull throughs - 110x8, 120x8, 130x8, 140x8

Lat pulldown - 160x6, 170x6, 170x6

Bent over barbell rows - 135x10, 135x9, 135x8

Barbell curls - usually we never do curls, but once in an while we break them out and this is a very, very rare occasion... 65x10, 85x10, 105x5 stripped to 85x5 stripped to 65x10, stripped to the bar and reverse curled the barx20... that pumped the arm and forearm pretty damn good and i know it's going to hurt later on tomorrow.

so i went to pick up some chalk, checked sports authority, checked dick's sporting goods, checked walmart (last resort) but none of them had it.. you know where i got it? a mountain climbing store. i've done some mountain climbing and remembered using chalk while doing it. saw this store and figured if they were a real mountain climbing store they would have it. they were stocked!! picked up a few bars, and this stuff is cheap - $1.25 for a block. you can't afford to powerlift without the chalk!


At 2/25/2006 1:17 AM, Blogger John said...

Yeah, you definitely need chalk. Especially if you're gonna be deadlifting any more than 3 reps. Is this a back-off week for you?


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