Tuesday, February 28, 2006

2/28/06 - Tuesday

Squat - warm-up bar for a couple of sets, 135x8, put on light brief, 225x5, 315x5, 365x3, Green bands with 225x2x4, rest 20 sec in between sets 1:30 rest after set 4, 275x2x4. these were tough, doing pretty much 8 sets in a row. we decided to skip deads today to let our backs rest a little

Back ext machine - stackx10x3

Pull throughs - 80x10, 100x10, 120x10, 140x10

we were still feeling saturday's session, so we backed off a little today. the workout felt good overall though. we're going to change it up a little on thursday with the heavy bench, probably not use the shirts at all

2/27/06 - Monday

Bench - warm-up barx10, 95x10, 135x8, 135x4, 225x3... Green bands 155x3x8 - 20 sec count between sets, about 1 min to a min and a half rest between sets 4 and 5. usually we do 4 sets and the next person does 4 sets and we cycle around again.

DB incline #1 - 75x6, 80x6, 85x6

Shoulder press - 135x4, 155x4, 175x4

Plate raises - 45lb plate x10x4

Tri pd's flat bar - 60x10x4, 70x10

Monday, February 27, 2006

2/25/06 - Saturday

Squat - warm-up - bar for a few sets, 135x8, 135x6, 225x5, 225x3, 315x2, 385x5 belt and a very light wrap

Dead - 225x3, 315x2, 405x1 belt, 455x1 belt

due to time constraints and the gym closing becuase i got out of work almost 2 hours late(!!!) i had to limit my workout to these to exercises... so that was it, short and sweet.

2/23/06 - Thursday

Bench - warm up barx10, 95x10, 135x8, 135x4, 185x3, 255x3, 255x3, 325x1 with shirt... i wanted to do another set but opted not too.. the reason i wanted another set was to get the feel of the shirt. i've been doing horribly in it lately and although this 325 went up easy, i wanted to feel the shirt better. but that didn't happen, so onto DB incline

DB incline #2 - 75x4, 80x4x2

Close Grip Bench - 225x3x3

Barbell shrugs - 225x10, 315x10x3 (these i did with straps)

Tri pushdowns vbar - 50x20x8 - these got really hard and hurt like hell after 4 sets

that was thursday's routine... felt pretty good overall.. there are only a few weeks left until march 25th, which is a meet i may be entering.. we haven't decided yet because of how the first half of our training and being sick for a good part of that. i'll keep you posted

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

2/22/06 - Tuesday

today was okay.. one thing that we did not have was chalk. we were completely out. sucks. we sell it in our stores, but we're out of stock. great. the bar was slipping on my back, so that was not comfortable, and we usually don't go too heavy on deads today, but you can definately tell the difference

Squat - 135x8, 135x5, 135x4, 225x10, 225x10, 315x1

Dead - i reversed my hand grip for the first set.. usually my left hand is supinated and my right is pronated... after that i went back to normal.. 225x2, 225x3, 225x5

Pull throughs - 110x8, 120x8, 130x8, 140x8

Lat pulldown - 160x6, 170x6, 170x6

Bent over barbell rows - 135x10, 135x9, 135x8

Barbell curls - usually we never do curls, but once in an while we break them out and this is a very, very rare occasion... 65x10, 85x10, 105x5 stripped to 85x5 stripped to 65x10, stripped to the bar and reverse curled the barx20... that pumped the arm and forearm pretty damn good and i know it's going to hurt later on tomorrow.

so i went to pick up some chalk, checked sports authority, checked dick's sporting goods, checked walmart (last resort) but none of them had it.. you know where i got it? a mountain climbing store. i've done some mountain climbing and remembered using chalk while doing it. saw this store and figured if they were a real mountain climbing store they would have it. they were stocked!! picked up a few bars, and this stuff is cheap - $1.25 for a block. you can't afford to powerlift without the chalk!

Monday, February 20, 2006

2/20/06 - Monday

Bench - warm up - barx10, 95x10, 135x8, 135x4, 185x10, 205x10, 225x8... failed the 9th rep.

DB incline #1 setting - 70x6, 75x6, 80x6

Hammer Shoulder press - per side 45x6, 70x4, 80x4, 90x4

Plate raises - 45lb plate x10x4

Tri PD's Flat bar - 60x10x4, 70x10

we switched up the tri's plan of work... usually on monday's we do 8 sets of 20, and on thursday's 5 sets of 10. we're no doing the 5 sets on monday and the 8 sets on thursday. i felt pretty good for today's workout. i think if i was able to sleep a little more last night i would've gotten those last 2 reps on my bench. anyway, it was a good session.

2/18/06 - Saturday

Squat - warm up - bar for a couple sets, 145x8, 145x6, put on my hips, 235x4, 325x1, 355x5

Dead - we did these on the platform so the bar was a few inches lower than normal. with the bar being lower and wearing the hips, it made it more difficult to get down. 245x3, then 2 of the kids that i train with on saturday went... their still working on their form, so they were going until they couldn't anymore to work their form. i saw this and i was only going to do 3 reps for my next set at 335... i said fuck it and ripped nine, and had no more grip for another rep... the one thing that really sucked today is that none of us had any chalk.. we were using chalk dust and that went quick. anyway, i went to pull 425 from the platform again, but i just did not have any grip. i don't have a problem picking up 425, but those extra inches lower and no chalk make a huge difference.

anyway this pic is 2 days after the fact, but this is what your shins should look like after deadlifting. it was nice and raw on saturday, and the soap later in the shower felt nice on it... not! that's the price you pay for deadlifting.

Squat stance good mornings - 235x3, 325x3, 365x3, 440x3... yeah, phil said "fuck it you're doing 440" all right then... i know they weren't as deep as the previous sets, but still. i'm still feeling that workout today. that was it for the day.

2/16/06 - Thursday

Bench - warm up - barx10, 95x10, 135x8, 135x4, 225x3, 245x5, 245x5, shirt w/325 which i failed. this was not a good week up to this point. this time along in my training for my last meet i was not having a problem at all with bench and was doing 365+. i don't know what's going on, but my bench is weak as hell right now.

DB incline #2 - 70x4, 75x4, 80x4

Close grip bench - 215x3x3

Barbell shrugs - 225x10x2, 315x10x2

Rear Delt - 110x10, 130x10, 150x10x2

vbar pushdown's - 50x10, 60x10x5

Thursday, February 16, 2006

2/14/06 - Tuesday

Squat - warmup w bar, 135x8, 135x6, (put on hips) 225x5, 315x2, 365x4
Blue Bands - 225x2, 275x2x3 (16-20 sec rest between sets.. these things are killer!)

Dead - 225x1x5, 315x1x5, 405x1

Hyper ext machine - stackx10x3

Lat pulldown - 150x6, 160x6, 170x6

tbar row, 45 degree - 3 platesx6x4

2/13/06 - Monday

Bench - warmup barx10, 95x10, 135x8, 135x4
Blue bands - 155x3x4 (1-20 sec rest between sets)

DB Incline #1 - 70x4, 75x4x2

Shoulder press - 135x4, 155x4x3

Plate raises - 45lb platex10x4

Tri PD's flat bar - 50x20x3, 60x20x5

2/11/06 - Saturday

Squat - warmup bar for a couple sets 10, 8 reps... 135x10, 135x8, 225x5 (put on hips), 225x3, 325x5

Dead - 225x3, 315x1, 405x1

Rack pulls above knee - 315x3, 405x3, 495x3 (no wraps)

2/9/06 - Thursday

Bench - warm up barx10, 95x10, 135x8, 135x4, 225x5, 235x5x2, 275x1, 325x1 shirted

DB Incline #2 - 70x4x1, 75x4x2

Close Grip Bench - 205x3x3

Barbell Shrugs - 225x10, 315x10x2 - strip-225x10, 135x20

Vbar pushdowns - 60x10x5

Thursday, February 09, 2006

2/7/06 - Tuesday

Squat - warm up - barx8x2, 135x8, 135x5, put on briefs 225x5, 225x3, 315x2, 365x5, green bands - 225x2x8, 16-20 sec count between sets and rested after 4 sets so the other 2 guys could do their 4 sets

Dead - 225x1x5, 315x1x5, 405x1... today's deads felt extremely good... and the 405 felt easy.

Lat pulldown - 150x6x3

T-bar row on 45 degree... 2platesx6, 3platesx6x2

short workout, but it felt good.. after the last set of squats i def needed to sit as the stars started to pop up.. after a few minutes though i was good and as previously mentioned the dead flew up easily. because the training up to this week has felt blah, and mediocre, we may skip the competition at the end of march and go into one in april or may... again in maine. this is to be decided and i'll comment on this later when i know what we're doing.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

2/6/06 - Monday

Bench - warm up barx10, 95x10, 135x8, 135x4, 225x3 - work sets were with green bands today - 155x3x4 20 sec rest between sets... other 2 training partners their 4 sets, and i did another 155x3x4

DB Incline setting #1 - 70x6x3

Shoulder Press - 135x4, 155x4x3

Plate Raises - 45lbx10x5

Tri pushdown, wide, flat bar - 50x20x4, 60x20x4

one hand underhand grip tri - 30x10x2
rope pd's - 40x20, 30x15, 20x10 done right after one each other with no rest between.

Monday, February 06, 2006

2/4/06 - Saturday

Squat - Warm up barx10, barx6, 145x8, 145x4, put on my briefs, 235x4, 235x2, 325x2, 415x1, 525x2 (done wearing full gear)...

up to this point i felt great... much better than i have than any other time during the past 5-6 weeks. the weight felt heavy, but it was good. seeing that i did 525 for 2 reps and best is only 31lbs heavier, it was a great feeling. then i went on to deadlift

Deadlift - i didn't take off my gear, but until i did my last set, i had my suit shoulder straps down the whole time.. 225x3, 315x1, 405x1, 500x1.5... yeah i put a half rep in there... i did the first rep pretty much with no problem, and as i was putting the weight down, i was told to do another... went to pull the second, got just above the knee and i lost my grip with the right hand. again i see this as an improvement... my comp/pb is 501, and i almost pulled 500 for 2.

that was my training for the day... went home, ate, rested up. the only supplement i had taken before training today was the Bodyquick. i forgot my creatine which i usually take one hour prior to training, but none the less, i still had a good day in the gym.

Friday, February 03, 2006

2/2/04 - Thursday

going off of yesterday's feeling weak commentary, we decided to tweak the workout a little to let our nervous system rest a little.

Bench - warm up barx10, 95x10, 135x8, 135x4, 225x4, 275x1, we said fuck shirts, dropped 50lbs and i ended up doing 225x5x3

DB incline #2 setting - again backed off here... 65x4x3

Close grip - 185x3x3

Barbell shrugs - 225x10x4

Tri PD's w/ v-bar - 60x10x5

done for thursday. tomorrow is supposed to be full gear squat and dead. tonight is a resting up night. no partying for me. the sacrifices that have to be made.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

hmm... yeah, i was talking to my co-worker/trainer this morning and he asked how i was feeling. and my response was.. WEAK! he feels the same way. we've got 6.5 more weeks of training and so far we just feel like we've been going through the motions. i know i haven't been 100% healthy either since we started training... too many colds, and i know he's been the same. some of our workouts have been good, but overall, i still just feel weak. i felt much better when i was training for my last competition in November. the only variables that have changed are the weather, which really doesn't affect me, and the amount of time that i've had some sort of cold/sickness. i'm attributing this weak feeling to the sickness. i've got to step it up. i'm not going to allow myself to go through 10-11 weeks of training to do worse than i did in my last meet! i'm also looking to get elite status as a powerlifter in my weight class for the AAPF, and qualify for the next meet. tonight is heavy bench, and it's time to start!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

1/31/06 - Tuesday

Squat - warm up barx10, barx8, (put on my briefs here) 145x10, 235x6, 235x3, 325x3, 325x2, 375x5

we skipped deads this week since we are going full gear on saturday with both squat and dead.

Hyper ext machine - stackx10x3

lat pulldown - 140x8x3

seated low row - 145x6, 155x6, 165x6

that was it for today. my low to mid back is still really tight from this weekend and my new ab exercises that i've taken on, aside from the ones that i've posted on my blog here that are supersetted with the tri pushdowns. high tension, low reps for the abs done at work/home.